June (Grades K-2)


Estimate how many kernels of corn could be found in one unpopped microwave bag of popcorn.

Pop some popcorn and find out how close your estimate was!

If a typical ear of corn has 800 kernels, is your answer greater than or less than one ear of corn?




Robert McCloskey is from Boston, and wrote the award-winning children's book, Make Way for Ducklings.  When he was an art student in Boston, he lived in an apartment near the Public Garden. One day he could see a line of ducks walking to the park to play from his widow. This inspired him to write his award winning story.

In the story Make Way for Ducklings, when the ducks are crossing the road, one of the pictures shows all of the ducklings have crossed the street, except for one. If there are 8 ducklings altogether, and one is left behind, how many ducks crossed the street safely? Show how you know.  

Since there are 8 ducks, if they swim in the pond in pairs, how many pairs of ducklings are there? Use a math representation to show how you know.