Keynotes and math chats are designed to be thought-provoking, engaging and interactive, including action steps to apply what is shared.
These can be personalized to meet the needs of your district, and can include all educators Prekindergarten through grade 12.
Examples of Keynotes and Math Chat Topics:
Mathematics and Human Connections
Math and storytelling
Tackling Teacher Math Anxiety
Same But Different - Fostering Equity with a Language Based Routine
Counting is as easy as 1,2,3 … or is it?
Math and Mindfulness
The Power of Play in the Math Classroom
Calling out the Brilliance of all students
A World without Labels
The ABC’s of 1,2,3’s - Always Be Curious
What is this “new math” all about anyways? Supporting Families
Developing Number Sense in the Middle Grades