Suggestions for Aligning Curriculum to the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics

This fall I am once again awed by the dedication and professionalism of our educators. Teachers throughout the state are embracing the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics. They are energized by the idea of teaching for deep understanding of fewer concepts and for the opportunity to focus on critical understandings at each grade level. With enthusiasm taking hold, it is time to roll up our sleeves and begin the critical work of analyzing and realigning curriculum.

Several aspects of the curriculum need to be considered: textbooks, assessments, and existing curriculum maps and guides. Do these materials align to the new state goals? Are there topics included that are no longer expected to be covered? Are there topics in the 2011 frameworks that are new? Are there topics that were taught in a cursory manner that will need to be taught with more rigor? Do the assessments ask the right questions.

I recommend that we start by analyzing the new frameworks to answer the questions of coverage and rigor. Curriculum committees should analyze the frameworks, standard by standard and determine if:

  1. Are we teaching this well?

  2. Do we teach this, but not with enough depth?

  3. Is this entirely new?

In addition, educators should keep a list of topics that are no longer taught at their grade levels. The MA DESE offers us crosswalk documents to help guide these discussions. They can be found at: With the results of that analysis in hand, educators can begin mapping out the year, considering resources and standards. For example, here is what one-month of a map at Grade 2 might look like.


NOTE: Because MCAS is in transition until a new assessment system is adopted in the 2013-2014 school year; some grade levels will have transitional topics on their maps (i.e. topics to be covered at a grade level for one or two more years). It will be important to visit the DESE website that indicates which standard will be assessed in 2012 and in 2013. The website is: 

As teams of educators work together to craft a plan to embrace the new standards for the benefit of all of our students, I encourage districts to share with each other. We should not do this critical work in isolation, but should support each other. The call to do this work is urgent, as teachers are looking for guidance in order to prepare their students for success. As educators work hard at the task at hand, I know that I will continue to be inspired.

Best regards,

Sue Looney, Ed.D.

President, LMC