2014 - Moving Onward!
The debate and reaction to the Common Core for State Standards (CCSS) continues to play out in various forums from politics to the media. As Diamond says in her article, Treating Common Core Syndrome, Linda Diamond ,"It is time to shift national intensity from the standards to their implementation, with a focus on curriculum and instruction." What is important now is to consider how we teach to these standards. What does good instruction look like? We need to support our educators in putting ideas into action.
Because our new standards demand greater depth of understanding, we need to embrace a guided math approach. Students acquire this deep level of knowledge at various rates over time. Small group instruction is necessary to meet learners where they are in a continuum of understanding, and to deliver purposeful instruction to move all students forward. Teachers need support in using a guided math approach at all levels as this approach to learning is different for many teachers. There are currently excellent books on this topic that can be used for study. We can also look to various websites with video clips of teaching in action (teaching channel, inside mathematics). When we turn our attention from WHAT we teach to HOW we teach we will begin to see the standards become a reality.
Best of luck!
Sue Looney, Ed.D.
President – LMC
NEW! practice PARCC tests
Computer-based sample test items and a tutorial where you can experience how students taking the test online will click on answers, etc.