Happy Birthday George Washington!
George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. Each year we honor his achievements as our nation’s first president by celebrating his birthday.
Early Childhood: George Washington was born on February 22nd. Make a poster of the number 22- show at least three ways you can draw, count, add, or subtract to show that number.
Upper Elementary: George Washington served two full terms in office (or approximately 8 years) as president. But not all presidents have served a full term. William Henry Harrison was president for only 31 days. Use the information in the table below to identify which presidents have served less than one term (4 years), greater than one term, and greater than 2 terms (8 years). Write a math rule that could be applied to another president, to determine whether his term was greater than or less than two terms.
Middle School: Some states have been the birthplace of a few presidents, while others have seen none. Using the information in the chart below, write at least three probability statements about the likelihood of a president having been born in a state of your choosing.
Number of presidents born in each state
Featured Websites:
Early Childhood: President's Day....The Votes Are In!
Upper Elementary: Math Activities for President's Day
Middle School:U.S Presidents: A Math Hunt Activity