What We are Reading in July


How is your summer reading going? My pile seems to be getting larger not smaller! I always seem to overestimate the time I will be able to spend reading and so far this summer is no exception.

One thing that is helping me this summer is participating in Twitter book chats online. I am the type of person that if I sign up for something I must complete it (you know one of those annoying front of the class type people). So far having a deadline to participate in a Twitter chat or webinar has "forced" me to focus and finish Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student. I am on schedule for the Twitter book study for Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You Had (this week we read chapters 6 and 7). I love the opportunities to collaborate with teachers all over the world and share our ideas and thoughts in relationship to these books.  Joining Twitter has been a great personal professional development and collaboration experience for me!  If you are on Twitter and would like to follow along with us in our own learning you can find us at:

@LooneyMath@molly_math@swadelh and @hlsabnani.

Happy learning!

