Posts in Mathematical Musings
Hand Raising and Cold Calling — examining the efficacy of age old practices

Some students will then raise their hands, and others will not. The teacher now has an on the spot decision to make. Who should they call on? What if only some students raised their hands? What if no students raised their hands? Posing a question and asking for hands up for a correct response places the teacher in a position to make multiple in the moment decisions. I believe we have some alternatives to this age-old practice that may better serve learning.

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Promote Deep and Purposeful Learning

This quote shared by Annie Fretter at the NCTM conference this April resonates loudly with me. Some might think this is what we do in a history class, not math class, however, Ehrenworth discusses how this is the exact purpose of ALL disciplines. As educators, it is our social responsibility to disrupt inequity and promote deep and purposeful learning.

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