2013 Summer Course - Developing Number Sense

Teachers:  Grades 3 - 5

Hosted by Truro Public Schools, Truro Central School, 317 Route 6, Truro, MA

Course Description: This course is designed to enhance teachers understanding of foundational ideas of mathematics that are critical for student success in grades 3 through grade 5. Topics to be covered include place value, multiplicative thinking, computation, and fractions. Participants in the course will engage with technology, hands-on workshops and activities, relevant research, and analysis of student work. Participants will look to make connections between the research and classroom practice, and will develop assessments for use with their students. A focus will be placed on analyzing student errors and misconceptions with the planning of appropriate interventions. This course is aligned to the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for mathematics.

Dates: June 25, 26, 27, 28

Time: 8:30 - 3:00

Course Format:  Hybrid Course – 4 face-to-face days / 12 hours asynchronous on-line(4 on-line sessions).

Targeted Audience and Grade Level:Teachers grades 3 - 5

Graduate Credit and PDPs:67.5 PDPs for course completion / 3 Graduate Credits included through Endicott College.

Number of Participants: Minimum 16 / Maximum 32Cost: $900 per person payment by check on first day of the course

To Register:http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5693984862

Registration Deadline: June 1, 2013

Questions about course: contact Susan Looney  at  looneyconsulting@comcast.netDownload a Flyer

About our courses and workshops:

  • MA DESE approved PD provider

  • Graduate credits available

  • Funding options include – DSAC, RTTT, teacher contract reimbursements

  • Are scheduled to take place at districts who request our services

  • Tailored to the needs of a district