2013 Summer Course - Foundations in Mathematics: Number
Teachers preK - Grade 2
Hosted by Franklin Public Schools--meets 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA
Course Description: This course is designed to explore early childhood mathematics concepts, with a focus on number. Critical learning experiences necessary to build a strong foundation in mathematical understanding will be explored. Specific topics to be covered include counting and cardinal meaning of number, number relationships, place value, additive thinking and early multiplicative thinking. Throughout the course, teachers will engage with learning activities that build conceptual knowledge. Furthermore, teachers will work with problem solving and assessment tasks that reveal common student misconceptions. Through the examination of videotapes, articles, and student work, teachers will create solutions to revealed misconceptions, and design appropriate instructional plans for moving children to a deeper level of understanding.
This course is aligned to the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for mathematics.
Dates: August 5 - 8, 2013 plus 4 sessions of on line work to follow ( completed by the end of September)
Time: 8:30 - 3:00
Course Format: Hybrid Course – 4 face-to-face days / 12 hours asynchronous on-line (4 on-line sessions).
Targeted Audience and Grade Level:Teachers grades preK - Grade 2
Graduate Credit and PDPs:67.5 PDPs for course completion / includes 3 Graduate Credits throughEndicott College.
Number of Participants: Minimum 16 / Maximum 30Cost: $900 per person payment by on-line registration
To Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5546275058
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2013
Questions about course: contact Susan Looney at looneyconsulting@comcast.net
About our courses and workshops:
MA DESE approved PD provider
Graduate credits available
Funding options include - DSAC, RTTT, teacher contract reimbursements
Are scheduled to take place at districts who request our services
Tailored to the needs of a district