Cinco De Mayo


The fifth of May celebrates Mexico’s independence on May 5, 1862, and is celebration of Mexican culture.  Today people celebrate this holiday with food, parades, music, dancing and a fiesta!

Early Childhood

Ask your classmates to vote for their favorite Mexican food.  Create a tally chart to show the results!  Which food had the most votes?  Which food had the least votes?

Upper Elementary

Mexican folk art often utilizes geometric shapes, patterns and symmetry.  Create a design for a sombrero or sarape in the Mexican style, using two-dimensional shapes, and patterns.  Your design should be symmetrical. 

Middle School

A piñata, filled with candy before the fiesta, contained 1/2 chocolate candies, 1/4 licorice, and 1/4 fruit-flavored candy.  Once broken, Juan and his friends rushed in to quickly gather the candy.  Juan grabbed ¾ of the chocolate candies.  What fraction of the total candies did he take home?

Featured Websites:

Early Childhood: Cinco de Mayo -La Celebración Matemática!

Upper Elementary and Middle School: Cinco de Mayo Math