Professional Development Opportunities
What are you going to do all of those spring days in school?
Why not schedule professional development after your testing window?
We are available to provide:
- Job-embedded Math coaching
- Curriculum alignment
- Support of new program adoption including Engage NY
- Guided Math Modeling
- Strategies for Differentiation of Instruction
- Math Content specific training'
To schedule or to request information contact:
Summer Professional Development
Registering for summer courses NOW!
Courses for all grade levels
View more details and register.
Leadership Seminar:Transforming Mathematics Education
August 18 and 19, 20158:00 - 3:00Mansfield Holiday Inn
This 2-day seminar is Part 1 of an on-going series of seminars aimed at developing building-based leadership. Participants are encouraged to attend as a team including teachers, coaches, specialists, special educators, and administrators. Through a series of presentations and activities, participants will design a plan to transform the teaching of mathematics within their school and /or district.